This is a re-post from my other blog, but it fits in with the overall topic of this blog, so I am re-posting here.
methodology and philosophy are often a hotly discussed and debated topic
among those who train dogs with any degree of seriousness.
Particularly among those of us who enjoy discussing training on
internet groups and lists. The debates can get quite emotional at
times, complete with indignation and hurt feelings flying high and fast.
I understand
the intense interest in the subject. I definitely have a philosophy
that influences my own training and handling choices. I enjoy
discussing this with others of like mind. And sometimes I enjoy
discussing it with people who are not of like mind, especially on the
rare occasions when the debate is objective and logical, and assertions
are backed by fact.
Some have compared
training philosophy to religious practice. As a seriously active and
practicing (and even professional) Catholic, I do see a great many
parallels between the two. They are not exactly the same, of course,
but there are certain similarities.
example, although this would be considered a very unpopular assertion, I
actually think of training philosophies as a type of morality.
Did I really just say that? Yes, I did.
Just a few days ago, in my classes at school, my students learned this definition of morality:
Morality - what we ought to do and who we ought to be, according to God's Law
A training philosophy really is what an individual trainer holds as what he or she ought to do (to and for his or her dog) and who he or she ought to be (as a trainer and handler).
For example, just as I hold, as a Catholic Christian, that I ought
to respect the property of others and so I ask to borrow something
rather than take it without permission, I hold, as a dog trainer/handler
that I ought to give my dog an active role in the learning
process and so I use training techniques that provide opportunities for
the dog to have input into his or her training.
I believe that this is
one of the main reason why training debates among those who adhere to
different training philosophies are often so heated and emotional. The
discussions aren't just about methodology, nor about what "works", nor
what is the fastest way to train. Dig down a little bit deeper and it
is clear that we really are discussing the manner in which each of us
believe that a dog ought to be treated and handled.
Few people
are going to take kindly to a perceived implication that the manner in
which he or she believes that a dog ought to be treated or handled is
considered to be "wrong" by someone else.
Moreover, it is
culturally unacceptable, at least in this country, to come right out and
say, "I don't choose to train or handle in this way [insert methodology
here] because I consider it wrong to treat a dog that way". We have to
dance around it, try to find a way to express it that sounds like that
isn't actually what is being said.
when it comes down to it, when one looks at things from a moral
perspective, there are going to be some choices that one considers to be
right and other choices that one considers it to be wrong. And, when
it comes down to it, there are training choices that each individual
trainer considers to be right and other choices that one considers to be
wrong. If that were not the case, we would not be having these debates
at all.
The whys and
wherefores of those choices will vary from one trainer to another. Some
will base the rightness or wrongness of a particular approach or method
on behavioral results alone, some on the speed of the effectiveness of
the technique, some on the effect that the technique has on the dog's
confidence and attitude, some on both the dog and handler's enjoyment of
the training process, some on the track record that the method or
approach has had with other handlers in certain types of competition,
some on the role that the dog plays in the learning process, some on
what has been tried and found successful by themselves, some on what is
being taught or promoted by a particular trainer, some on what has
traditionally been done in a particular discipline, etc. etc. etc.
But in the end, we are
all making choices for our dogs that are driven by what we hold to be
right and wrong for our dogs and ourselves, and I
don't consider this, in itself, to be a bad thing. Perhaps if we were
to acknowledge this more openly, we could find ways to make our
discussions of training, and our own training philosophies, more
objective, logical, and fruitful.
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